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Canadian Hockey Cards

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U,V,W,X Y Z Vintage RCs

Rookie Cards 1990 to now "P"

Paajarvi Magnus
10/11 Artifacts #232 (#340/699) - $5
10/11 Upper Deck #466 - $8
10/11 Upper Deck Victory Update #348 - .60
Pachalc Brayden
22/23 Upper Deck #246 - $6
Pacioretty Max
08/09 Be A Player #199 (#24/99) - $40
Pageau Jean-Gabriel
13/14 Upper Deck #209 - $12
Pahlsson Samuel
95/96 Collector's Choice Player's Club #350 - .50
95/96 SP #183 - .50
Palat Ondrej
13/14 Panini Contenders Autograph #160 - $12
13/14 Ultimate Collection #65 (#456/499) - $12
Palffy Zigmund
91/92 Upper Deck #16 - .60
91/92 Upper Deck #71 - .60
Palmer Jarod
11/12 Upper Deck #472 - $4
Palmieri Nick
10/11 Upper Deck #237 - $4
Palushaj Aaron
11/12 Upper Deck #219 - $5
Panarin Artemi
2012-13 KHL Artemi Panarin
12/13 KHL SKA St. Petersburg #CEL-045 - $8 (as above)
Artemi Panarin Young Guns #221 BGS 9.5
15/16 Upper Deck #221 - $200 (BGS 9.5) (pictured above)
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Update #U45 - $4
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Retro Update #U45 - $8
15/16 Upper Deck Overtime #101 - $6
15/16 Upper Deck Parkhurst Rookies #PR10 - $6
Parayko Colton
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Update #U18 - $1.50
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Retro Update #U18 - $2
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Platinum Rookie #M24 - $2
15/16 Upper Deck #235 - $8
15/16 Upper Deck Portraits #P99 - $1
Pardy Adam
08/09 Upper Deck #203 - $4
Parise Zach
05/06 UD PowerPlay #155 - .75
05/06 Upper Deck #206 - $20
05/06 Upper Deck Stars in the Making #SM13 - $1
05/06 Upper Deck ICE Cool Threads Jersey #CT-ZP - $8 (white)
Parker Kalem
2022  Team Canada Juniors Red Champagne #34 - $3
Parrish Mark
98/99 Black Diamond #38 - .50
98/99 Crown Royale #61 - .50
98/99 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #89 - .50
Parros George
05/06 Artifacts #214 (#651/750) - $3
05/06 Ultra #220 - $1
05/06 Ultra Gold Medallion #220 - $1.50
05/06 Upper Deck #218 - $5
05/06 Upper Deck Rookie Threads #RT-GP - $6
Parse Scott
09/10 Upper Deck #467 - $4
Parssinen Timo
01/02 Pacific Adrenaline #202 - (#318/984) - $1
01/02 Upper Deck #412 - $3
01/02 Upper Deck ICE #73 (#0459/1500) - $1
Pasichnuk Brinson
21/22 O-Pee-Chee Retro #649 - $2
21/22 Upper Deck #220 - $6
Pastrnak David
2014-15 Upper Deck AHL David Pastrnak David Pastrnak 2014-15 UD Young Guns
14/15 Upper Deck AHL #25 - $20 (pictured above)
14/15 Upper Deck #495 - $500 (pictured above)
Patera Jiri
23/24 Upper Deck #227 - $10
23/24 UD Canvas Young Guns #C226 - $10
Patrick Nolan
17/18 O-Pee-Chee Update #640 - $2
17/18 O-Pee-Chee Update Retro #640 - $2
17/18 Parkhurst #285 - $2
17/18 Parkhurst Rookies #PR-3 - $2
17/18 Upper Deck #455 - $12
17/18 Upper Deck #500 CL - $10 (w/C.Keller)
17/18 Upper Deck Top Rookies Silver #TR-9 - $2
17/18 Upper Deck Top Rookies Gold #TR-9 - $5
Patzold Dimitri
05/06 Upper Deck #465 - $3
Paul Nick
16/17 Parkhurst Red #353 - $2
16/17 Upper Deck #219 - $8
16/17 Upper Deck UD Portraits #P-107 - $2
Pavel Ondrej
23/24 Upper Deck #702 - $6
Pavelec Ondrej
07/08 Upper Deck Victory #334 - .50
Pavelka Tomas
12/13 Prince Edward Island Rocket QMJHL #2 - .50
Pavelski Joe
06/07 Upper Deck #487 - $60

Payerl Adam
14/15 Upper Deck #239 - $4
Pearson Chase
22/23 Upper Deck #244 - $8
Pearson Tanner
Tanner Pearson Rookie Anthology Patch Auto
13/14 Rookie Anthology Rookie Patch Autographs #151 (#40/50) - $20
13/14 SPx #116 - $1
Peca Mike
93/94 Donruss Team Canada #18 - $1
Peckham Theo
08/09 Upper Deck #469 - $5
Pederson Lane
21/22 Upper Deck #234 - $4
Peeke Andrew
19/20 Upper Deck #452 - $4
Pelech Adam
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Platinum Marquee Rookies #M47 - .75
15/16 Upper Deck #465 - $8
Pelech Matt
09/10 SP Game Used #135 (250/799) - $2.50
09/10 Upper Deck #245 - $4
Pelletier Jakob
2021  Team Canada Juniors #83 - $2
2021  Team Canada Juniors #135 - $2
2021  Team Canada Juniors Exclusives #83 (#068/250) - $6
23/24 O-Pee-Chee Glossy Bronze #R-2 - $1.50
23/24 O-Pee-Chee Platinum Sweet Selecton #SS-2 - $1
23/24 Upper Deck #208 - $12
23/24 Upper Deck #744 - $6
23/24 Upper Deck Outburst Silver #208 - $30
23/24 UD 200 x 85 Gold #DM-69 - $8
23/24 UD Debut Dates #DD-1 - $2
23/24 UD Special Edition #SE-35 - $3
23/24 UD Star Surge #SS-17 - $2
23/24 Upper Deck Trilogy Rookie Renditions #RR-7 - $1.25
Pelley Rod
07/08 SP Game Used #134 (#839/999) - $1.50
07/08 Upper Deck #483 - $4
Penner Andrew
05/06 Upper Deck ICE #191 (#1049/2999) - $1
05/06 Upper Deck ICE #191 (#2104/2999) - $1
Penner Dustin
05/06 Beehive #163 - $1
05/06 ITG Heroes & Prospects #225 - .50
Penner Jeff
10/11 Score Glossy #537 - .75
10/11 Upper Deck #207 - $4
Perbix Nick
22/23 Upper Deck #478 - $8
Percy Stuart
14/15 O-Pee-Chee Platinum #156 - .75
14/15 Upper Deck #245 - $4
Perets Yaniv
23/24 Upper Deck #714 - $12
Perezogin Alexander
01/02 Russian League Young Lions #9 - $1
05/06 Upper Deck #226 - $4
05/06 Upper Deck MVP #401 - .75
05/06 Upper Deck MVP Rookie Breakthrough #RB6 - .50
Perfetti Cole
21/22 O-Pee-Chee #613 - $3
21/22 O-Pee-Chee Blue #613 - $4
2021-22 UD OPC Red Cole Pefetti RC
21/22 O-Pee-Chee Red #613 - $15
21/22 Upper Deck #466 - $18
21/22 UD Hockey Day In Canada #CAN-4 - $1.50
Perlini Brendan
14/15 Upper Deck Team Canada Juniors Triple Jersey #TCT-KPA - $5 (w/Konecny & Audette)
Perreault Jacob
22/23 Upper Deck #212 - $8
22/23 UD Portraits #P-43 - $1.50
Perreault Joel
06/07 Upper Deck #235 - $4
Perron David
07/08 SPx Dual Jersey Autograph #228 (#669/999) - $18 (black & black)
07/08 Upper Deck #496 - $22
07/08 Upper Deck Victory #307 - .50
Perry Corey
05/06 Beehive #104 - $5
05/06 UD PowerPlay #153 - $1
05/06 Ultra Scoring Kings #SK29 - .60
05/06 Upper Deck Stars In The Making #SM4 - $1
05/06 Upper Deck ICE Glacial Graphs Autograph #GG-CP - $20
Persson Joel
19/20 Upper Deck #497 - $5
Perunovich Scott
21/22 Upper Deck #707 - $6
Pesce Brett
15/16 Upper Deck #487 - $8
Pesonen Janne
08/09 Upper Deck Champ's #109 - .75
Petan Nic
14/15 Upper Deck Team Canada Juniors #129 - .50
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Update #U29 - $1
15/16 Upper Deck #227 - $6
15/16 UD Canadian National Hockey Card Day #CAN-10 - .40
15/16 Upper Deck Portraits #P106 - $1
Peterka John-Jason
21/22 Upper Deck #711 - $25
Peters Andrew
03/04 Bowman Chrome #133 - .60
03/04 Upper Deck #239 - $3
Peters Geoff
95/96 Upper Deck Electric Ice GOLD #522 - $1
Peters Justin
08/09 Upper Deck #456 - $6
Peters Warren
12/13 Upper Deck #230 - $4
Petersen Cal
18/19 Upper Deck #471 - $10
Peterson Jacob
21/22 Upper Deck #492 - $5
Petrecki Nick
13/14 Upper Deck Overtime #34 - .40
Petrovich Alex
13/14 Panini Contenders Autograph #157 - $2.50
Petrovsky Servac
22/23 Upper Deck CHL Red Parallel #340 - $1
Petruk Randy
95/96 Upper Deck Electric Ice #524 - .40
Pettersson Elias
18/19 Canadian Tire O-Pee-Chee Red #160 - $50
18/19 O-Pee-Chee Update #611 - $15
18/19 Upper Deck #248 - $120
18/19 Upper Deck #250 CL - $12
Pettersson Marcus
18/19 Upper Deck #229 - $5
Peverley Rich
07/08 SP Game Used #136 (#119/999) - $2
07/08 Upper Deck #480 - $5
Pezzetta Michael
21/22 Upper Deck #705 - $10
Phaneuf Dion
05/06 ITG Heroes & Prospects #334 - $1
05/06 UD PowerPlay #165 - $4
05/06 Ultra #261 - $10
05/06 Ultra Gold Medallion #261 - $25
2005-06 Upper Deck Young Guns #203 BGS 9.5
05/06 Upper Deck #203 (BGS9.5) - $120 (pictured above)
05/06 Upper Deck Stars In The Making #SM8 - $5
05/06 Upper Deck MVP Breakthrough #RB8 - $1.50
Phillips Chris
95/96 Bowman Draft Prospects #P28 - .50
Phillips Isaac
21/22 Upper Deck #735 - $5
Phillips Matthew
21/22 O-Pee-Chee #633 - $1
21/22 O-Pee-Chee Blue #633 - $2
21/22 Upper Deck #482 - $8
21/22 UD Rookie Class #RC-27 - $2
Picard Alexandre
05/06 Ultimate Collection #144 (#356/599) - $6
Picard Chet
12/13 Upper Deck Distributor Promos #P17 - $1
12/13 Upper Deck #233 - $6
Pickering Owen
2022  Team Canada Juniors Pillars of Light #37 - $3
2022  Team Canada Juniors Prospectus Momentous #PM-35 - $3
2022  Team Canada Juniors Prospectus Momentus Blue #PM-35 (#038/349) - $4
Pietrangelo Alex
08/09 Upper Deck #250 CL - $10 (Stamkoks/Doughty/Pietrangelo)
Pikkarainen Ilkka
09/10 Upper Deck Victory Update Gold #317 - .60
Pilar Karel
02/03 Upper Deck #222 - $2
Pilon Garrett
21/22 Upper Deck #214 - $5
Pilut Lawrence
18/19 Upper Deck #518 - $8
Pineault Adam
08/09 Upper Deck #206 - $4
Pinho Brian
20/21 Upper Deck #475 - $5
Pinto Shane
21/22 O-Pee-Chee #530 - $3
21/22 Skybox Metal Universe #157 - $2
21/22 Upper Deck #246 - $15
21/22 UD Hockey Day In Canada #CAN-5 - $1.50
21/22 Upper Deck Retro Tributes #T-79 - $12
21/22 UD SP Die Cut Rookie Tribute #RDT-8 - $5
21/22 UD SP Die Cut Rookie Tribute Red #RDT-8 - $10
Pionk Neal
18/19 Upper Deck #212 - $8
18/19 Upper Deck UD Portraits #P-95 - $1
Pirnes Esa
03/04 Titanium #122 (#045/225) - $2
03/04 Upper Deck #218 - $2
Piros Kamil
01/02 Private Stock Retail Blue #114 (#211/450) - $1
Pirri Brandon
10/11 Upper Deck #215 - $5
10/11 UD French Variante #215 - $6
Pitkanen Joni
02/03 SPx Redemption #R221 (#20/500) - $2
Pitlic Rem
19/20 Upper Deck #456 - $8
19/20 Upper Deck Allure #67 - $1
Plante Alex
10/11 O-Pee-Chee Retro Rainbow #537 - $1.25
10/11 Upper Deck #221 - $4
10/11 UD French Variante #221 - $5
Plante Tyler
08/09 O-Pee-Chee Gold #531 - $1.50
Plihal Thomas
07/08 SP Game Used #111 (#223/999) - $2
07/08 SPx #176 (#005/999) - $1
Plotnikov Sergei
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Retro Update #U23 - .60
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Update Rainbow Foil #U23 - $1
15/16 Upper Deck #203 - $4
15/16 Upper Deck Foil #203 - $4
Podkolzin Vasily
20/21 Serial KHL 13th Season Collection #SKA-014 - $2
21/22 O-Pee-Chee Retro #619 - $2
21/22 Upper Deck #481 - $8
21/22 UD Dazzlers #DZ-94 - $2
21/22 UD Hockey Day In Canada #CAN-3 - $1.25
21/22 Upper Deck Honor Roll #HR-89 - $1.50
21/22 Upper Deck Honor Roll Red Rainbow #HR-58 - $4
Poehling Ryan
19/20 O-Pee-Chee Glossy Blue #R-8 - $4
19/20 Tim Hortons #57 - $1
19/20 Tim Hortons Red Die Cut #DC-26 - $3
19/20 Upper Deck #226 - $12
19/20 UD Team Triples #TT-5 - $8 (Poehling/Price/Gallagher)
19/20 Upper Deck Credentials 2nd Star of the Night #2S-09 - $2
Poganski Austin
20/21 Upper Deck #460 - $5
Pogge Justin
07/08 Between the Pipes #29 - .50
07/08 ITG Heroes & Prospects #19 - .50
08/09 Upper Deck #494 - $5
Point Brayden
2014  Upper Deck Team Canada Juniors Jersey #153 - $5
16/17 O-Pee-Chee #682 - $3
16/17 Parkhurst #372 - $5
16/17 Upper Deck #205 - $40
Point Colton
2018 UD Team Canada Juniors #15 - $1
Poirier Emile
15/16 Black Diamond Rookie Gems Autograph #RG-EP (#15/99) - $10
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Platinum Retro Rainbow #R72 - $1
15/16 Upper Deck #210 - $4
15/16 Upper Deck Foil #210 - $4
15/16 UD Canvas #C92 - $6
15/16 Upper Deck Full Force Blueprint #BP-EP - .60
Poitras Matthew
23/24 Upper Deck #478 - $28
23/24 UD Canvas Young Guns #C236 - $25
23/24 UD Retro Tributes #T-50 - $8
23/24 UD3 #UD3-18 - $3
23/24 UD National Hockey Card Day #NHCD-7 - $1
23/24 UD SPx Holoview GOLD #SPX-1 - (#32/50) - $60
Polak Roman
06/07 Upper Deck #488 - $4
Polin Jason
24/25 Upper Deck #210 - $6
Polushin Alexander
02/03 Russian Young Lions #10 - .60
Popperle Tomas
07/08 SP Game Used #163 (#122/999) - $2
07/08 SP Game Used #163 (#559/999) - $2
07/08 Upper Deck #466 - $3
Porter Chris
08/09 Upper Deck #216 - $3
Porter Kevin
08/09 Upper Deck #487 - $3
Pospisil Martin
23/24 Upper Deck #713 - $12
Postma Paul
11/12 Artifacts #198 - $1
11/12 SP Authentic Rookie Extended #R98 - .50
11/12 Upper Deck #249 - $4
Poti Tom
95/96 Upper Deck Electric Ice #568 - .50
Potulny Ryan
06/07 Upper Deck #232 - $4
Poturalski Andrew
17/18 Upper Deck #483 - $4
17/18 Upper Deck ICE Premieres #116 (#143/1299) - $2
Poulin Samuel
22/23 Upper Deck #453 - $8
22/23 Upper Deck #738 - $5
22/23 UD Canvas #C213 - $8
Pouliot Benoit
06/07 Beehive Wood #128 - .75
06/07 Upper Deck #475 - $5
Pouliot Derrick
14/15 O-Pee-Chee Update #U14 - $2
14/15 Upper Deck Team Canada Juniors Special Edition #SE14 - $1
Pouliot Marc-Antoine
06/07 Upper Deck #212 - $3
Powe Darroll
08/09 Upper Deck #485 - $4
Power Owen
22/23 Upper Deck #228 - $30
22/23 Upper Deck #750 - $18
22/23 UD Canvas #C119 - $30
22/23 UD Black Canvas #C119 - $80
22/23 UD Calder Candidates #CC-11 - $5
22/23 UD Hockey Card Day NHCD-3  - $1.25
22/23 UD SP Retro Rookies #RDT-2 - $4
Preissing Tom
03/04 Crown Royale #134 (#512/899) - .75
03/04 Topps Pristine Rare #130 (#002/199) - $5
03/04 UD Trilogy #167 (#325/999) - $1
03/04 Upper Deck #240 - $3
Price Carey
07/08 ITG O'Canada #59 - $3
07/08 ITG O'Canada #86 - $3
Primeau Cayden
19/20 Upper Deck #454 - $22
Prince Shane
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Platinum Marquee Rookies #M9 - .60
15/16 Upper Deck #218 - $5
Printz David
06/07 Upper Deck #233 - $3
Priskie Chase
20/21 O-Pee-Chee #616 - .75
20/21 Upper Deck #473 - $5
20/21 UD Portraits #P-53 - $1
Prokhorkin Nikolai
19/20 Upper Deck #467 - $4
Pronger Chris
92/93 Upper Deck #591 - $2.50
92/93 Upper Deck #591 - $1 (nrmt)
Prospal Vaclav
97/98 McDonald's Upper Deck #39 - .50
97/98 Zenith #91 - .60
Prosser Nate
10/11 Upper Deck #469 - $5
Prosvetov Ivan
21/22 O-Pee-Chee Retro #631 - $2
21/22 Upper Deck #484 - $5
Protapovich Alexander
13/14 ITG Heroes & Prospects Autograph #A-APR - $2
Protas Aliaksei
21/22 Upper Deck #706 - $6
20/21 UD Canvas Young Guns #C367 - $8
Prout Dalton
12/13 Upper Deck #214 - $4
Provorov Ivan
Ivan Provorov Upper Deck Young Guns
16/17 O-Pee-Chee #686 - $2
16/17 Parkhurst Red #367 - $4
16/17 Upper Deck #214 - $10 (as above)
16/17 Upper Deck Young Guns Canvas #C239 - $12
16/17 Upper Deck Hockey Day in USA #USA-4 - $2
Prow Ethan
22/23 Upper Deck #494 - $8
Prucha Petr
05/06 UD PowerPlay #171 - .75
05/06 Upper Deck ICE Fresh Ice Jersey #FL-PP - $4 (white)
Prust Brandon
06/07 Upper Deck Victory #326 - .50
Puempel Matt
15/16 O-Pee-Chee Platinum Marquee Rookies #M11 - .60
15/16 Upper Deck #215 - $4
Puljujarvi Jesse
Jesse Pulhuharvi Upper Deck Young Guns #225
16/17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe #MU-32 - $2
16/17 O-Pee-Chee #704 - $1.25
16/17 Upper Deck #225 - $10 (as above)
Pulkkinen Teemu
14/15 Upper Deck #221 - $6
Pulock Ryan
16/17 Upper Deck #490 - $8
Purcell Teddy
08/09 Collector's Choice #236 - .75
08/09 Upper Deck #473 - $6
08/09 Upper Deck Champ's #113 - $1
Pushkarev Konstantin
06/07 Upper Deck #217 - $3
Puustinen Valtteri
22/23 Upper Deck #237 - $6
22/23 UD Dazzlers Orange #DZ-90 - $5
Pyatt Taylor
98/99 Upper Deck Gold Reserve #408 - $1
1999 Bowman CHL #35 - .50
Pyatt Tom
09/10 Upper Deck #471 - $5
Pyorala Mika
09/10 Upper Deck #230 - $3
Pysyk Mark
13/14 Upper Deck #457 - $5
Pyyhtia Mikael
23/24 Upper Deck #477 - $5
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U,V,W,X Y Z Vintage RCs